Terms & Conditions

Please take a minute to read our terms & conditions. They are short, and explain clearly our position on liability, credits & refunds, and conduct.

  1. By enrolling with Asia Pacific Soccer Schools (APSS), the participant does so at their own risk. APSS, its owner, employees and coaches shall not be liable for any damage whatsoever arising from personal injury or loss/damage to property.

Enrollment & Cancellations:
  1. APSS does not offer a pay per session service. By enrolling in a course, you are enrolling for the entire block of sessions.
    – APSS promises to deliver the agreed number of sessions.
    – If any sessions are cancelled (e.g. due to venue problems, bad weather etc.) we will credit the cancelled lessons against any future payment.
    – If a student misses a session for any other reason the lessons will not be credited.
    – If a student joins a block of sessions that has already started – the fees will be pro-rated for the remainder of term.
    – Payment should be made in full for the block of sessions on or before the first lesson.
    – Attending a class without prior notification is considered equivalent to enrollment … requiring payment for all remaining classes.

  2. Training will be cancelled if the HK Observatory raises:
    – Black Storm warning.
    – Typhoon No. 8 Signal.
    Otherwise cancellation due to bad weather is at the discretion of APSS.
    As mentioned above, in case of cancellations, APSS will credit cancelled sessions against any future payment – no refunds will be given.

    No refund will be provided for students withdrawing from a course after it commences.
    No credit will be given for classes that are cancelled once the session has begun.

  1. – Full APSS kit (shirt, shorts, socks) must be worn to all sessions.
    – Failure to bring full kit may result in exclusion from the lesson.
    – Shin guards are recommended for all lessons.
    – Lessons start and finish on time! Please arrive promptly and arrange immediate collection at the end of each lesson.
    Note, APSS coaches cannot be responsible for minding children after the lesson. If you cannot collect your child at the end of a session you should inform the APSS office immediately.
    – APSS reserves the right to expel students from a lesson, a block of lessons, or the entire course for behaviour considered unacceptable to the coaches and / or fellow students.

Photography Policy:
  1. APSS will from time to time take promotional photographs of sessions for use both online and in print. APSS will not identify a player by name without prior consent of the parent. Any concerns about our photography policy should be referred to our office.

  1. By enrolling your child with APSS, or attending a trial class, you agree that your child will abide by the above rules and regulations. By taking part in any of our classes you are agreeing that sport carries inherent risk of physical injury, and you understand that APSS, its owners, employees and coaches are not responsible for any injury to your child.